Thursday, 8 October 2015

Best 2015 SEO Tool FREE!!

We are approaching the year end and this is the best time to know/realise where you and your competitors stand. This helps in updating and analysing the SEO strategies and tricks. Many of the tools we find online boast great but only after usage and wasting time we realize that we’ve wasted so much of time for no incredible change.

Let me show you the tool to know my rankings which I use on a regular basis.

Rank Tracker


Rank Tracker has been around for sometime and has set the standard of a good rank tracking tool. They keep on adding features and is definitely a tool worth using even in the coming years.

Lets have a look on the features -

Accurately Track Ranking


Rank Tracker pulls in fresh data from the web by scraping the search results. But if you don’t have a working proxy, chances are, some of the search engines (such as Google) will block you off after a number of automated queries. So you’ll need is a good set of private proxies. I recommend Squidproxies. Private proxies comes with a billm but still you can use those proxies for something else also.

The best bit of this tool is that, unlike other SEO tools which check rankings using their own IP address – from some country you don’t know and cannot change – Rank Tracker uses your own IP address by default. And in the case you need to check rankings from a certain location, you can still do so by setting a proxy from your target locations. Its non dependency on history logs or social media activity records gives you non-personalized and unbiased results by default, unlike Google’s personalized search by location, browsing history or even your social media activities, affects the accuracy of the results you’re expecting.

Track ranking from most Search Engines 


Rank tracker lets you track rankings specifically from or from Bing or Yahoo and even Youtube. We can also set to track rankings based on a specific search engine or location. Keyword tool of Rank tracker enables to manually scrape rankings for tracking localized keywords.

Rank Tracker helps you understand your website traffic ups and downs with the line chart created with the historic data. It helps you in comparing your rankings up and down against your competitors. It’s also quite helpful when a client wants to check a certain keyword or two and you could take a snapshot of your work in a line graph and show him/her. It also lets you choose any date you want the current results to be compared with giving you quick view of your current rankings, as well as those from the past days or weeks – a must have, especially if you want to analyze your progress.

Filter and arrange data 


You can arrange, sort and filter data according to the rankings, keywords or the number of visitors in the spreadsheet. Select and show only the data columns to you need on the spreadsheet and hide whichever not needed.

Specific Keyword rank tracking 


Get data specifically according to the keywords, it shows you which page in the website ranks for which keyword. Rank Tracker also lets you to connect with your Google Analytics which gives you an idea as to which page in your website you could focus your efforts on.

Another benefit is that unlinke other SEO tools which increases price whenever you exceed a certain number of keywords you want to track Rank Tracker has set no limit to this. But when given large number of keywords the time taken to pull the data will also be longer.

With the new Keyword Difficulty score in Rank Tracker we will also get the most efficient keywords and evaluate how difficult it would be to rank them which helps in choosing the right keywords, so no time nor money would be wasted on less efficient keywords.

Although these are the high points of Rank tracker, I think I should not hide some tad downfalls of the tool
  • You need to constantly run it (doesn’t automatically track rankings for you).
  • You’ll need your own proxies.
  • A little more difficult to see the increase and decrease of your keywords’ rankings.
  • It takes a while to pull data – depending on your internet connection and number of keywords.
  • You can only pull data for one client at a time.
  • Bogs down a computer when left running for a while.
These are some of the features I liked on this impressive tool, there are lot more in it.
Like I mentioned earlier, the fact that they are persistently developing this tool is enough proof that they care and want nothing but the best for their users. Now, that’s the kind of tool we’re proudly bringing in the years to come.

I urge you to try this most accurate rankings tracker tool for now for free!!

You can check out RankTracker for free or buy it for $124.75.

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