Monday, 28 September 2015

The current viral trends Digital India, Net Neutrality, Free internet and in simple words

With Zuckerbergs visit and Modis meet extended to the viral support digital India wave started with the duos changing their Facebook profile pics showing their support, Indian Netizans are caught up in the battle of to and against supporting Digital India claiming it as a hidden agenda of Facebooks

Let’s look in layman terms what the howl is all about –

What is net neutrality? 

Firstly, we need to understand what exactly net neutrality is. Net neutrality means Internet that allows everyone to communicate freely. It means a service provider should allow access to all content and applications regardless of the source and no websites or pages should be blocked, as long as they aren’t illegal. That means companies like Airtel and Facebook's should not block or slow down access to any website or content on the Web - for instance, to benefit their own services over those of competitors. It’s like a fixed-telephone line, which is equal to all, and no one gets to decide who you call or what you speak.

Another aspect of net neutrality is level playing field on the internet. This means, all websites can co-exist without hampering others. All websites are accessible at the same speed and no particular website of application is favoured. For instance – like electricity, common for all. Net neutrality also means all web sites and content creators are treated equal, and you don’t have to pay extra for faster Internet speed to a particular site/service.

Is and Airtel Zero against Net neutrality? Or what is the problem with net neutrality supporters?  Are they against free internet?

Free internet sounds tempting and may sound great on paper, experts say that in the long term it's against consumer interests, because consumers are more likely to use free services. Same is the case with the, the freebies offered to users come at a cost. The idea behind this is cultivating a behavioral pattern, guiding and making us access us to the only sources which the so called "free-givers" allow us to and blinding us from all others. That is you are only getting free access to services/apps which have struck a deal with the telcos.

Airtel Zero like the Reliance-Facebook partnership on, too violates net neutrality which promises to provided a level playing field for all internet data.
However Flipkart which partnered with Airtel Zero moved out as as a result of downvoting them by thousands of Net neutrality supporters.

App developers and services who are flush with funds, will not find it an issue to pay telcos for data charges incurred by users. But this can leave app developers, specially start ups, smaller companies, who cannot afford to subsidise consumer access to their websites and services, who cannot afford Airtel or Reliance’s data rates are likely to lose out, stifling innovation in the country, which means fewer options for consumers in the long run.

Read this in connection with Digital India 

The word is that India has elected to power its more pro-technology government yet. During his address at the Digital India launch event, Prime Minister Modi elaborated on the need for the program to focus on innovation. The Prime Minister assured full support to young entrepreneurs who wished to launch Start-ups. He called upon the youth to innovate and said ‘Design in India’ is as important as ‘Make in India’. In the launch, the official policy on Internet of Things – pegged as the driver of Innovation for Digital India was also announced.

Yet, there is speculation of self-created hindrances to the government’s Digital India Vision. If media stories from the last fortnight are any indication, the so far unreleased report of the Department of Tele- communications on net neutrality is making a case for the licensing of voice over Internet Protocol Services such as Whatsapp and Skype. To license VoIPs at this stage would prove disastrous for India’s innovation ecosystem, and amount to pandering to the invalid argument of the Telco lobby which asks for a ‘level playing field’ between apples and oranges.

The concern with regard to cherry-picking VoIP applications for licensing is that it shall prevent future technologies and applications that could very well combine VoIP with other features in a truly transformative way for the citizen or consumer, from being developed. This is why, the need for a neutral Internet, without placing any licensing requirements on the Indian developers of the next WhatsApp or Viber or any other application that would use a VoIP feature is of imperative importance.

It would be naïve and impractical to license VoIP based applications, as in the times to come, some of the most useful and transforming technologies are very likely to use VoIP features in combination with regular messaging, content sharing or transaction features. Legitimate cyber security concerns can be dealt with by other far more efficient solutions.

This is why Net Neutrality is extremely important for small business owners, startups and entrepreneurs, who can simply launch their businesses online, advertise the products and sell them openly, without any discrimination. It is essential for innovation and creating job opportunities. Big companies like Google, Twitter and several others are born out of net neutrality. With increasing Internet penetration in India and given that we are becoming a breeding ground for startups and entrepreneurs, the lack of net neutrality should worry us greatly. Besides, it is very important for freedom of speech, so that one can voice their opinion without the fear of being blocked or banned.

The concept of net neutrality doesn’t exist legally. However, ISPs try to moderately not violate any laws. They’ve approached Trai for the losing revenues and are awaiting Trai’s decision on regulation IM app by OTT players. Most decisions here are made by DoT and Trai. However, it would be a good move to get things legally on paper, while Internet access in India is still at its infancy.

The government’s report on net neutrality shall be the first official marker on its Digital India position. I hope it will be reflective of the tremendous potential and creativity that can be unleashed by a successful Digital India and not a short sighted self-goal under the influence of a few Telcos.

Monday, 21 September 2015

Secrets to get ranked on the first page of Google !!

Getting on the first page of Google with your website content for your keyword is a huge accomplishment.  It could mean unlimited new visitor (and if you’re a business, potential sale) opportunities.  The task of getting to Google’s number one page with your website content, for your keyword, varies according to your competition, website age, popularity (PageRank), and SEO investments.

If you search online, hundreds of self-proclaimed “gurus” are announcing that they have the key to get your website content on Google’s first page… within the hour.  While it is actually true that Google works inside 60 minutes, it isn’t true that all of these gurus are actually SEO geniuses.  It’s more common that Google will take a week or two (or maybe 3-4) to crawl and find your website and its website content, then rank it number one for your keyword.


Your Google ranking is based on your PageRank, or PR, that Google sets you at.  PageRank can go from PR0 to PR10.  Sites with a PR of 0 are considered very low quality and will rarely be ranked high by Google.  On the other hand, it is very hard to get to a 10, and if you’re at 4 or 5 that’s considered excellent.  The average is around 2-3.  Check your website PageRank for free.


So, you’re probably wondering, what makes up a PageRank?
Three main things:
One your website content itself (the quality, relevance and quantity of each page on your website),
Two age of your website (the longer you’ve been around, the better), and
Three the number of links that go back to your website, or backlinks.

Think of backlinks as roads that lead straight to your website. These little paths, a simple hyperlinked keyword that goes back to your website, can be in the form of an article that has your website link in it; a friend posting your website link on Facebook; a comment on a blog with a link to your website.  The more backlinks with your keyword, the more roads with destination signs leading straight to your website.  Not only that, but you need high quality roads.  A backlink placed on a PR0 site will actually hinder you.  Backlinking must be done by someone who knows the process, can choose the right sites, and will work in your benefit.

Articles, Articles & More Articles.  

If you search how to increase your Google rank, there’s no avoiding this fact.  Writing informative articles around your keywords and posting several every day has the potential to rank your website as high as it will go.  Article submission is one of the longest and most proven methods to get the highest pagerank possible.  Fresh, new website content updated every day improves your rankings, since Google re-crawls your website several times a month (or week).  Besides that, fresh web content constantly added to your site will attract new readers, give you an advantage above your competition (you’re always staying on top of relevant material), widen your marketing efforts (reach anyone with an RSS feed), and inspire others to link back to you. 

Voila!  Backlinks, quality, and quantity, all in one. 
Well-written articles and website content could potentially be your best source to get a higher PR.

Wednesday, 16 September 2015

How To Create the Best Traffic rich Successful Website

There are millions of websites floating in the web world and thousands are created each day, but people tend to visit only a handful of these, have you wondered why. One major reason is that most of these websites look like clones because they all have the same and look and feel as they are template websites.

What makes a good website different from others? 


What gives it that uniqueness? 


Why there are more traffic in some websites?


What is the secret behind successful websites?


Today we thought of sharing our thoughts about answering these and how to create a traffic rich successful website. We, the Spartans have helped many of the corporate houses in India and abroad to re-build their empire in the digital economy.

We give utmost care and support to provide the website projects we deliver to make it a successful website or in short the websites we deliver holds all the 11 characteristics of a successful website.

Read this to find out what are the 11 elements of a successful website

1. First Impression and Pitch Perfection


Like everywhere in web business also first impression matters because during a web search, seven seconds or less is what an average website visitor spends on 90% of the websites he visits. Meaning you only have a few valuable moments to impress them and convey who you are, what you do, who you do it for, and why you’re the best choice. So your marketing pitch, the logo, tagline, brand credibility all need to be carefully crafted clearly communicating your specialty and target niche.

2. Lead the way with Call to Actions


Calls to actions are designed with visitor specific information, phone numbers and “Buy Now”, "Click Here" buttons encouraging and engaging your visitors to the next step and guiding them to the path to business conversion. One basic theory of successful website is to make sure your phone number is in the top right of every page of your site and your contact info on the footer of every page along with quick links to your most valuable content. This helps web surfers/prospects who are often just looking for a quick phone number, hours or address.

3. Conversion Statistics


From where do your web visitors come from, how much time do they spend, what are their key search terms, how many enquiries and sales that you receive through your website and what the cost is to acquire them are the vital statistics that you need to track and follow-up for the success of your web business. This knowledge enables you to assess market trend, measure your marketing spend, changes you should need to implement in your website for building the correct web business strategy.

4. Its ‘About You’ Page


Often “About Us” pages brag about who the organization and company is all about, which when done way over seems boring for the customer. But as a matter of fact companies exists for customers and so like the rest of your website “About Us” page, should also present all information in the context of how it benefits your visitors. It also should be an engaging portrait of the Team behind your organization because your prospects want to know who they’re working with, how experienced they are and how the team are going to make their business prosper.

5. Content is the King

In web world quality content is the crucial for reducing bounce rates, optimizing SEO and
thereby in the success of business. The only way to build a loyal following of visitors is only if they find your website useful, informative and engaging. The content encompasses all including the images, text, design and all your brand building factors, conversion rates are always high with websites that have quality content and where time and effort have been invested into sharing their message in an intelligent and appealing way.

6. Eye candy

There are millions of websites floating in the web world and thousands are created each day, but people tend to visit only a handful of these, have you thought why. One major reason is that most of these websites look like clones because they all have the same and look and feel as they are template websites. Visitors deter template websites as they feel that those websites are unsafe and scams. To make your website standout it is utmost important to invest in a custom website design that reflects your individual brand and also visually communicates your point of difference. Websites that are appealing and informative are frequented by visitors and shared more often to others, and websites with below average visual appearance give the visitors a perception that your company is also below average.

7. User perspective

Front end functionality or the homepage designs of the websites are the primary factor behind conversions. We all know that business websites are created for others to view and experience, so the primary objective must be to create your website design from the user perspective giving out what they anticipate, delivering the right solutions thus encouraging their interaction and improving your conversions. Conversions are out of prospective when you deliver their need before they even know they need it.

8. Responsive Design

World at your fingertips, was once a future based caption of many companies is now reality with World Wide Web and the smartphone and tablet connectivity. The study says that 25% of people on the internet at any given moment are using a smartphone or tablet and furthermore their conversion rates are much higher than desktop users. This introduces the need for having responsive web designs optimized for mobile devices ensuring that no matter what device someone uses, your website delivers content in the most effective way.

9. Structured Content Management System 


As mentioned earlier Content is the King in web arena and so is its management. The content has to be structurally managed, optimized for search engines and efficiently updated for visitor usability and interaction.
When choosing a content management system (CMS) look for the following:
•    Simple content editing accessible from all devices
•    Quick load times
•    SEO-ready
•    Used by a large community of users, website designers  developers (i.e. such as a WordPress website)
•    The software is actively supported by the developers and is being frequently updated

10. Digital Marketing 


Similar to any other business you have to make yourself visible and make statements loud and clear to , attract traffic and convert visitors into customers. Depending on your business and industry you have to choose from the varied online marketing options like pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, search engine optimisation (SEO), email marketing and social media. The key is to find your sweet spot by experimenting with all the available channels. Ultimately it’s a process of trial and error while you discover what is most effective for your target audience.

11. Be professional Get professionals 


If you are serious about your business, don’t think twice, hire a professional to do a professional and guaranteed result. Let the professional web design agency convert your ideas into reality with their creativity and expertise. Discuss with them your ideas and ask how well they know these essential elements, how they propose to incorporate them and how they’ve succeeded in the past. Look for experienced and creative website designers that are well established and that have comprehensive references and good portfolios of working with similar businesses to your own. By partnering with the right web design company you are putting yourself in the very best position to ensure that your website is a successful one. You’ll save time in the short-term and money in the long-term by investing in a quality website designer.

So these are the main mantras that you should keep on your mind while creating a website, follow these and we guarantee you will be successful.

We believe that a good solution always pays off in the long run and helps you attract the attention of your target audience, which eventually converts into sales. So we make sure to do a little extra while designing and delivering a project for you.

Monday, 14 September 2015

How To use Keyboard as Mouse

When mouse stops functioning

Most of us who use computers on a daily basis will have come across a situation where the mouse stops

working or gets damaged in middle of something important. But such emergencies when we do not have time to get the mouse replaced, here is a small trick to use your keyboard  as mouse using the On Screen Keyboard utility.

Follow the below steps to achieve this -

Windows XP Users:-

Go to Control Panel. > Then click on Switch to Classic View. >
Then Click on Accessibility Options. > Then Click on the Mouse Tab.
Select Use MouseKeys.> Click on OK.

Then activate NumberLock (by pressing the NumLk key).
You should hear a beep sound.
Now you can control the mouse pointer using the arrow keys on the numeric keypad.

Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8 users:

Open Ease of Access Center by clicking the Start button , clicking Control Panel, clicking Ease of Access, and then clicking Ease of Access Center. Click Make the mouse easier to use.
Under Control the mouse with the keyboard, select the Turn on Mouse Keys check box.

You can also increase the acceleration and speed of your mouse movements according to your needs.
You can alternately press the Alt+Shift+Num Lock combination to instantly activate Mouse keys.

Laptop Keyboard Mouse

For laptops, this will only work if your keyboard has a numeric keypad or alternate keys which you can enable by pressing the Number Lock or the Function key.

On my laptop, number 6 key of the numeric keypad moves the mouse pointer left, number 4 key moves the mouse pointer right, number 2 key moves it down, number 8 key moves the mouse pointer up, number 5 and + key serve as right click while the number 0 key works as left click.

This is an alternative for emergency situations only and for long run its always better to replace the damaged mouse.

Thursday, 10 September 2015

Most of us has come across the situation where we are asked to enter our mobile number for verification in a website. It’s a security force to stop the spammers activity. Yep! it’s a splendid technique to prevent spammers but what about the users? Because it can be used as a new way of promotion and advertisements. But to give away our mobile number to a website is not always
the safest thing to do. So what to do in such a situation?

We will show you ways to bypass the SMS verification without using our mobile number.

Use the below websites

This website provides dummy mobile numbers which we can give to any verification websites. The verification message gets delivered to this website mobile number. You can just open it and search for verification code.

This is another mostly used website. In this you will get more dummy numbers than other site. You will get 22 different dummy numbers from this site. This is best site use for verification. You can easily use any number for verification.

It has 9 numbers to verify and it provides paid service too. The other procedures are same as mentioned above.

Now you can easily bypass your sms verification step.

Wednesday, 9 September 2015

How To Hide Whatsapp Images And Videos In Android Or iPhone without any application

Today most of us use whastapp for downloading and sending images, videos and text.

Lets look how to hide Whatsapp Images And Videos In Android Or iPhone with a simple trick and without using any additional apps or softwares. We have explained separate methods for Android users and iPhone users.

Follow the below method and you can hide images of whatsapp in mobile.

How To Hide Whatsapp Images And Video In Android 

Step 1 - Install any file manager in your android mobile. You can use ES File Manager. Click on link to download.
Step 2 - Now open and go to SD Card in home section go to whatsapp->media.
Step 3 - Now click on whatsapp images folder for few seconds. Then you will see the option rename. You can rename with “.” in front of folder name. EX: .Whatsapp Images
Step 4- Now whatsapp images will be hidden from you mobile.

Now no one can see the Whatsapp Images in your android mobile.

How To Hide Whatsapp Images And Video In iPhone 

Step 1 - Go to setting and select privacy button.
Step 2 - Now click on photos.
Step 3 - Now you will get all sources of photos.
Step 4 - Now find the whatsapp image folder and make it OFF.

Now your whatsapp images cannot be seen by others.

Try this trick and keep visiting Us.